Enterprise Evolution Accreditation Specification 2019-02-20T14:46:26+00:00

Enterprise Evolution Accreditation Specification

Enterprise Evolution now offers accreditation to training programmes

Jing Zhang
Jing and Alison
Alison Price

Enterprise Evolution is the premier consultancy in the UK for designing and delivering bespoke staff development that specifically helps those who seek to create entrepreneurial outcomes in others.

Enterprise Evolution works to deliver sector-level and policy support at a national and European level, as well as working directly with staff from all subject areas to change the way they teach. Enterprise Evolution works with Faculty staff and researchers, as well as those working as enterprise educators/change agents within entrepreneurial universities.

Since 2015 Enterprise Evolution has:

The Enterprise Evolution team has gained its unique expertise from:

  • Working directly with Professor Allan Gibb on IEEP (staff development programme) taking Course Director/delivery responsibility for all UK cohorts of the IEEP (International Entrepreneurship Educators Programme) since 2009 (Cohorts 2-5)
  • Delivering a wide range of enterprise education programmes:
    • At institutions across the UK (England, Wales and Scotland)
    • Across Europe (4 x 1 week long residential European Annual Summer Academies from 2010 to 2012 (3EP))
    • Across China since 2010
    • Working at all levels of staff working within FE (VET) and HE institutions.

Accreditation Principles


Requirements of all programmes accredited Enterprise Evolution are as follows:

Insufficient Demonstration (0) Minimal Demonstration (1) Proficient Demonstration (2) Expertly Demonstrated (3)
1 Clear Programme Aims
2 Alignment (certificate/assessment if any)
3 Clear definitions /competences
4 Learning and Teaching Philosophy
5 Interactive Teaching Methods
6 Support to learner
7 Reflection (learner/use of tools)
8 Programme Evaluation

“Proficient” demonstration is achieved through an aggregate score, within the scoring column (0-3).

Marking Rubric: Assessment

Insufficient Demonstration (0) Minimal Demonstration (1) Proficient Demonstration (2) Expertly Demonstrated (3)
1 Clear Programme Aims No clear indication of planned approach; no attempt to clearly present what will be provided as a “take away” from the programme The agenda of the programme was presented to indicate the expected approach. The agenda and also clear programme aims or learning outcomes were highlighted (being presented at the start of the programme). Clear Programme aims (presented as learning outcomes) where presented before, during and then also reviewed at the end of the programme
2 Alignment (certificate/assessment if any) No clear approach to presenting the programme; no attempt to connect content to what can be “taken away”/achieved after the programme Minimal attempt to connect the programme content (aims) to the desired actions/achievement at the end of the programme There was clarity about how the programme was designed and what would be achieved at the end (especially if assessed or tested) or what should be done next (action plan) The learning outcomes presented at the start of the programme were reviewed, and tested against, at the end of the programme (or at agreed date)
3 Clear definitions /competences No attempt to help staff understand the core ideas within enterprise education; no link to relevant literature, policy or practice to help identify how to connect this area with own subject area or govt policy Key words were presented as definitions (but not really explained within a subject content or connected to the programme aims). Definitions and terms were presented/agreed at the start to ensure a common language for the programme and to explain the origins of the approach.  Opportunities to ask questions / engage in discussions with colleagues /work with the language were provided throughout. The topic areas, and key words used throughout the programme, were explained/defined and the source/reference provided.  Definitions were up-to-date and linked to the latest policy/sector changes. Opportunities to discuss the words/engage with tasks to explore meaning were provided.
4 Learning and Teaching Philosophy No approach determined or articulated to host/client or delegates.  It was not clear what this approach was, not was it consistent to the message or throughout the programme. The programme has a specific approach, but no reference was made to why/how, nor to how this approach supported learning/should be used with students to create entrepreneurial outcomes. A clear philosophy was deployed throughout the programme.

Delegates were engaged in a specific approach(es) to learning and the benefits of this approach were clear to the delegates.

A learning and teaching philosophy was established (pre programme through a statement, or during through example) and then demonstrated throughout consistently. The approach taken illustrated in practice the philosophy/methods in the programme design/aims.
5 Interactive Teaching Methods Only traditional methods (such as lecturing) are used, to provide only knowledge transfer (no skill development) Some interactive teaching techniques were demonstrated but there was little opportunity to practice these/consider how to use them in own teaching Some interactive techniques were included in the programme, with opportunities to discuss whether they would be appropriate to use (benefits of each) and/or chances to try them. A wide range of appropriate teaching methods were used to share/demonstrate and showcase approaches.  The methods reflected the teaching philosophy and provided opportunities to discuss them and their benefits and limitations were provided, as well as explore some in practice/consider adaptations for use in own teaching .
6 Support to learner No support materials (as appropriate – may include pre-reading; slides; access to web resources; contact details – or creating support structure for the group (at institution or through WeChat) Limited materials were available to the delegates and attempts to make connections amongst the group of delegates were attempted. Working with the delegates (host/client) support structures are in place to provide momentum to the learning provided in the programme.  This may be during the programme (group work and creating networks of support? or by the provision of learning materials/references or options of future engagement. A fully supported programme reflects the needs of the learners and will provide online or physical resources or demonstrations and provide structured opportunities to reflect and engage with others (network) beyond the duration of the programme.  The course structure will nurture support amongst learners (work in groups and networking).
7 Reflection (learner/use of tools) No direction to reflect or opportunities to reflect were provided during the programme Reflection was mentioned as part of the approach to using interactive teaching methods. Reflection tools were used and shared during the programme.  The potential for learning through reflection was clearly articulated and options to engage learners in this approach were provided / demonstrated. Reflection formed part of the Learning and Teaching philosophy of the programme (models and/or approaches) and techniques to use with students/clients were discussed/explored.  Delegates were invited to continue to review their learning after the programme and consider their own personal action plan or how to be a reflective practitioner.
8 Programme Evaluation No opinion sought from delegates regarding content/programme delivery or practical issues (timing; logistics) An attempt to determine group views/comments or host/client satisfaction formed part of the programme. Structured  evaluation techniques (post its; show of hands; comments or statements or online survey) were used to determine the success of the programme against the objectives/aims set. Full evaluation of the programme was undertaken to learn about the practical/physical elements and also to understand the learning that had been achieved.

Results are shared and reviewed with the delivery team to reflect upon.


To be posed to determine ratings (applicants first, if necessary with further questions to the delivery team)

Applicant questions If necessary, further questions to organiser
1 Clear Programme Aims Did you know what the programme was about before you attended?

Did the programme start with clear goals/aims?

Was it clear what you would be learning/able to do after the programme?

Was the group provided with clear learning outcomes or goals for the programme? (in advance / during the programme?) Where they reviewed regularly/at the end of the programme?

Where these goals expressed clearly in terms of what you would be able to achieve?

2 Alignment (certificate/assessment if any) Were you asked to indicate what you would do differently/do next because you have attended this programme?  Were there any opportunities to present your plans / discuss your options with colleagues or make a commitment/statement of what you have learnt from the programme (linked directly to aims of the programme) Did you close with any assessment/testing or confirmation of learning (statements of planned actions, or key take aways/learning that will be taken forward?

Were the delegates given any opportunity to discuss their next steps/ make a commitment to change their approach or practice new approaches? (ideally referencing the programme aims)

3 Clear definitions /competences Are you clear what the programme was about? could you define the key topics/define key terms having completed the programme?

Were any definitions provided, together with sources/reference material to refer to?

Did you provide supporting materials or PPT that agreed/confirmed the language/terms that would be used in the programme (before, during or after?)  Were the delegates clear about the terminology and use of any new language throughout the programme?
4 Learning and Teaching Philosophy Were you aware of the approach to learning and teaching taken in this programme?  Could you name or describe the approach (or indicate how it was taught to you?

Do you understand the benefits of this approach?

Did you “practice what you preach” throughout this programme in terms of demonstrating a consistent approach to learning/teaching?  Can you explain how you articulated this to the delegates/showcased this throughout the programme? Did you make the delegates aware of the benefits of the approach(s) taken?
5 Interactive Teaching Methods Did you have any opportunity to explore new teaching methods?  Where the benefits of using particular methods to deliver specific learning outcomes/support particular goals discussed? Do you feel confident to use any of these new approaches? Which teaching methods were included? – and did the delegates get opportunities to try them out / discuss the merits within the needs/constraints of their own teaching/ explore (with others?) how to adapt and develop their own approaches?
6 Support to learner Did you have all the materials you needed to make changes in eh curriculum/your practice?

Have you made any new connections following the programme? (WeChat group or individuals?)

What was provided to the group in advance, or after the programme? Were there any opportunities to connect the delegates?  Did the host/client want to create any specific structures? Did you provide any references, support materials, or contact details?
7 Reflection (learner/use of tools) Were their opportunities to think about your own practice/approach during the programme? Were you able to reflect or discuss the learning with others to consider what changes you would make and how? Did you provide clear opportunities for delegates to think about their learning and reflect on their future actions because of this learning?

Did you share any tools or models for building reflective practice into professional careers/student learning?

8 Programme Evaluation Were you asked or invited to comment on the success of the programme/whether it had met your needs?

Did you provide any feedback to the organiser/delivery team (and how?)

Did you use any formal techniques or tools (including survey, post-it comments, action plans or review statements) in order to appreciate the delegate experience?  How do you use this feedback to inform your approach in the future/develop your programme?

Contact Us

For more information, please contact Zhang Jing via:
email: bczhangjing@163.com
WeChat: ma13269033087

Ready to apply? Please download and complete this application form.

QR Code Contact

Terms and conditions

  • The accreditation is valid for three years
  • During the period of accreditation, the minimum number of programme participants is 150 per year
  • Each successful participant will be awarded a joint certificate stamped by Enterprise Evolution UK and the training provider. Certificates will be provided to you in batches within five working days after you email the list of delegates to our agent in China. The authenticity of each certificate can be verified on our website: http://www.enterpriseevolution.org.uk/accreditation
  • Enterprise Evolution UK entrusts Beijing Weishengchang International Education and Culture Consultancy Company Ltd. to be our sole agent in China. The latter has our delegated authority to audit your programme on an annual basis, which you will support fully, providing access and documentation as requested.  Beijing Weishengchang International Education and Culture Consultancy Company Ltd will, on our behalf, collect fees for accreditation, administration and certificates.



Jing Zhang
Jing and Alison
Alison Price




  • 直接与英国双创教育元老Allan Gibb教授合作开展国际创业教育师资培训项目(International Entrepreneurship Educators Programme, 简称IEEP。自2009年以来,在IEEP各期师资培训中担任课程主管和培训师。
  • 大范围提供师资培训,包括:
    • 英国三个地区的高校(英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰);
    • 欧洲双创教育师资培训(3EP)项目(年度夏季师资培训,时长为1周,2010-2012年共四期);
    • 2010年开始,为中国高校提供师资培训;
    • 培训师资覆盖高职和本科院校。

Accreditation Principles



示范不足 (0) 少量示范 (1) 熟练示范 (2) 专家级示范 (3)
1 课程目标清晰
2 一致性(预设学习成果、教学方法和评估一致)
3 定义和能力素养明确
4 教学理论
5 互动教学方法
6 对学习者的支持
7 反思(学习者、工具使用)
8 课程评估



示范不足 (0) 少量示范 (1) 熟练示范 (2) 专家级示范 (3)
1 课程目标清晰 没有明确表明课程要使用哪些方法;没有试图清楚地呈现课程目标 提出了项目计划,表明了将使用的方法。 呈现了议程以及明确的课程目标或学习成果(在课程开始时提出)。 明确的计划目标(作为学习成果呈现)在课程开始之前,期间和之后进行回顾
2 一致性(预设学习成果、教学方法和评估一致) 没有明确的方法来交付课程;没有尝试将内容与学习成果连接起来 简单尝试将项目内容(课程目标)连接到项目结束时所期望的成果 明确了有关培训项目的设计方式、最终将实现的目标(特别是要经过评估或测试)或下一步应该采取的措施(行动计划) 在培训结束时(或在约定的日期)对培训开始时提出的学习成果进行回顾或测试
3 定义和能力素养明确 没有尝试帮助学员理解双创教育中的核心思想; 没有链接到相关文献、政策或实践,以帮助学员理解如何将该培训内容与各自的专业或政府政策联系起来


在开始时提出/商定了定义和术语,以统一说法并解释该方法的起源。 在整个培训过程中提供了提问/参与与同事讨论/使用语言的机会。

解释/定义了整个培训中使用的主题领域和关键词,并提供了来源/参考文献。 定义是最新的,并与最新的政策/行业变化相关联。 提供了讨论关键词/参与任务以探索其意义的机会。












使用了各种适当的教学方法来分享/展示和展示方法。 这些方法反映了教学理念,并提供了讨论它们的机会和它们的好处和局限性,并在实践中探索了一些/考虑在自己的教学中使用的适应性。
















课程安排中试图征求小组意见/ 客户满意度。





向该课程学员提问 如有需要,可向主办方/师资团队提出进一步的问题
1 课程目标清晰
  • 参加培训之前,您知道这个课程是讲什么的吗?
  • 课程开始之前,讲清课程的目标是什么了吗?
  • 您清楚该课程结束后,您可以学到什么或者能做什么吗?
  • 师资团队有向学员提供清晰的学习成果或目标了吗(提前/在课程期间)?
  • 在培训过程中/在课程结束时是否对这些目标进行回顾?
  • 这些目标是否明确表达了学员能实现什么?
2 一致性(预设学习成果、教学方法和评估一致)
  • 讲师有没有问您,参加完培训后,您要做出哪些改变,下一步行动计划是什么?
  • 您是否有机会向同学们展示您的计划、和同学们讨论您的方案,说明自己学到了什么,做出改进的承诺(直接与该培训课程的目标相关联)
  • 课程结束时,您是否评估或检查学员们有没有学会(让学员制定行动计划,或总结自己学到了什么)?
  • 学员们是否有机会讨论他们下一步的行动计划 /做出承诺,改变他们的方法或实践新方法?(理想情况下,参考培训课程目标)。
3 定义和能力素养明确
  • 您明白这个培训课程是关于什么的吗?
  • 课程结束后,您能给出主题和关键词的定义吗?
  • 就课程中所提到的定义,提供相关资料和参考文献了吗?
  • 您是否在课前、课中或课后提供了相应的材料或PPT,支持课内用到的专业术语?
  • 学员们是否清楚课程中所使用的术语是什么意思?
4 教学理论
  • 您知道这个培训课程中使用了怎样的教学方法吗?
  • 您能说出或描述这种方法吗(或说明老师是如何教给您的吗?
  • 您了解这种方法的好处吗?
  • 在教学过程中,您有没有做到知行合一,用您所秉承的理论进行教学展示?
  • 您能解释具体是怎么做的吗?
  • 您是否让学员们了解了采用这些方法的好处?
5 互动教学方法
  • 您有没有机会探索新的教学方法?
  • 有没有讨论使用某种方法提供特定学习成果/支持特定目标的好处?
  • 您是否有信心使用其中的某些新方法?
  • 您使用了哪些教学方法?
  • 学员们有机会体验这些方法吗/和其他学员一起讨论他们自己的教学方法的优缺点?如何调整和开发他们的教学方法?
6 对学习者的支持
  • 您是否拥有在您的课程/实践中所需的所有材料?
  • 您是否在该课程学习中添加了新朋友 (比如微信群或私信联系)?
  • 您在课前和课后给学员提供了什么?
  • 有机会和学员建立和保持联系吗?
  • 主办方想要创建结构化的后续联系吗?
  • 您是否提供了参考文献、辅助资料或联系方式?
7 反思(学习者、工具使用)
  • 在课程学习过程中,您是否有机会思考自己的教学实践 / 方法?
  • 您是否能够与他人一起反思或讨论学习,以考虑您将做出哪些改变以及如何做出改变?
  • 您是否为学员们提供了明确的机会来思考他们的学习,并因为这种学习而反思他们未来的行动?
  • 您是否分享了将反思性练习融入职业生涯/学生学习的工具或模型?
8 课程评估
  • 您是否被邀请对该培训课程的成果及满意度发表评论?
  • 您是否向主办方或者师资团队提出了反馈意见(怎么提的呢)?
  • 您是否使用了正式的技术或工具(包括调查问卷、便利贴、行动方案或复盘心得)来了解学员的学习体验?
  • 您将如何使用此反馈,改进和开发今后的培训项目呢?

Contact Us

For more information, please contact Zhang Jing via:
email: bczhangjing@163.com
WeChat: ma13269033087

Ready to apply? Please download and complete this application form.

QR Code Contact


  • 认证有效期为三年;
  • 认证期间,每年培训人数不少于150人;
  • 每名完成学习的学员将获得由创展英国和贵培训机构共同签发的证书。在我方的中国代理收到培训学员名单五个工作日之后,将向贵机构提供证书。每张证书的真伪可以在本网站进行验证 http://www.enterpriseevolution.org.uk/accreditation
  • 创展英国委托北京威盛昌国际教育文化咨询有限公司独家代理我方在中国的业务,该机构被我方授权对接受认证的项目进行年度审计,贵方要全力配合,提供所需材料。威盛昌公司将代表我方收取认证、管理和证书费用。